أخبار ساخنة

Usage Policy

 Welcome to our simple website

Certainly our honorable visitor, you are one of the priorities of the site and we always hope to communicate with us and strive to be in your best expectations.

But at the outset we would like to draw your attention to some important points that must be adhered to,

Therefore, visitors are not allowed to violate the following conditions:

First _ this blog is educational and specialized in the field of informatics and technology, so no one is allowed to make posts or comments outside this framework

 Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to use the blog for advertising, whether for individuals or institutions

Third _ it is prohibited to publish any publications, comments or photos that would violate public morals or offend modesty

Fourth _ it is prohibited to use the blog to defame others, whether individuals or institutions

Fifthly _ It is allowed to put quoted blogs, but on condition that the rights of their owner are not deleted, and the main source of the blogging, whether written, audio or visual, must be mentioned.

Sixth, it is preferable to put each post or comment in its own section, as well as choose the appropriate phrases and images for each section


                                             Thank you for your cooperation and understanding


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    arab academys
