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All you need to know about sitemap

arab academys

 All you need to know about sitemap

What is a sitemap file?

A sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a website along with metadata about each URL such as when it was last updated and its importance relative to other pages on the site. The sitemap is used by search engines to help crawl the website and understand its structure, which can help improve the website's search engine rankings. Sitemap files can also help website owners and developers keep track of the URLs on their site and ensure that all pages are being properly indexed by search engines.

digital marketing

What is archiving and why is it important?

Archiving refers to the process of preserving and storing historical records and documents, usually in an electronic format. It is important because it helps to ensure the long-term preservation of information and allows for easy retrieval when needed. Archiving helps organizations maintain compliance with regulations, protects against data loss, and enables effective decision-making based on historical data. It also helps to support business continuity, legal and regulatory requirements, and can provide valuable insights for future planning and research.

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free web service offered by Google that helps website owners monitor and maintain their site's presence in Google search results. It provides insights into how Google crawls and indexes a website, helps identify and troubleshoot potential technical issues, and provides data on keyword rankings, clicks, and impressions. The tool is valuable for website owners and digital marketers as it provides valuable information about the website's search performance and helps to improve its visibility and ranking in search results.

How to set up a sitemap file

To set up a sitemap file, follow these steps:

  • Determine what pages you want to include in your sitemap.
  • Use a sitemap generator tool to create the file, or manually write the sitemap file in XML format.
  • Include the sitemap file in the root directory of your website and make it accessible to search engines by adding it to your robots.txt file.
  • Submit the sitemap file to search engines, such as Google Search Console, to help them discover and crawl your website pages.
  • Regularly update the sitemap file with new or changed pages to keep search engines up-to-date with your website content.
It's important to have a sitemap file as it helps search engines better understand your website structure and the relationships between pages, which can improve the visibility of your website in search results.

Setting up a sitemap with the Yoast SEO plugin

To set up a sitemap with the Yoast SEO plugin, you'll need to install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site. Once activated, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Yoast SEO plugin dashboard and click on "Features."
  • Scroll down to the "XML Sitemaps" option and click on the "Enable" button.
  • Visit the "Sitemaps" section in the plugin dashboard.
  • Check the boxes next to the post types you'd like to include in your sitemap.
  • Click on "Save Changes."
  • The plugin will automatically generate a sitemap file at the URL where "" is your domain name.
You can submit this sitemap file to Google Search Console to help Google better understand your website's structure.

Preparing a sitemap via specialized sites

Preparing a sitemap via specialized sites refers to using online tools or software specifically designed for creating and submitting sitemaps. These tools often have a user-friendly interface, making it easier for website owners to create a sitemap and submit it to search engines like Google. Some popular sitemap generators include XML Sitemap Generator, XML Sitemap, and Screaming Frog. To use these tools, you simply enter your website URL, specify the pages you want to include in your sitemap, and generate the XML file. After generating the sitemap, you can then submit it to search engines through the Google Search Console or other similar tools.

How to link a sitemap to a Google site

To link a sitemap to a Google site, follow these steps:

  1. Create a sitemap file for your website.
  2. Submit the sitemap to Google Search Console.
  3. Verify ownership of the website in Google Search Console.
  4. In Google Search Console, navigate to the Sitemaps section.
  5. Add the sitemap file URL to the Sitemaps section in Google Search Console.
  6. Submit the sitemap file and wait for Google to process it.
  7. Check the Sitemaps section to see if any errors have been detected.
  8. If no errors are found, Google will start crawling the pages in your sitemap file.
  9. Regularly check the Sitemaps section to see if there are any new issues or changes in the number of indexed pages.

The robots.txt file and its association with the indexing process

The robots.txt file is a file on a website's server that informs web robots (also known as spiders) which pages or sections of the website should not be crawled or indexed. By including instructions in the robots.txt file, website owners can control which pages are indexed by search engines, thus helping to maintain the site's privacy and security. The robots.txt file is associated with the indexing process because it is used to prevent search engines from indexing certain pages, allowing website owners to control which content is visible in search results. It is important to note that while robots.txt files can prevent search engines from indexing pages, they do not provide a guarantee of privacy or security, as determined crawlers can still access the content if they choose to ignore the instructions in the robots.txt file.
arab academys


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