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Social listening: Track what your customers think of your brand

arab academys

 Social listening: Track what your customers think of your brand

digital marketing

table of contents:

  • What is social listening?
  1. The difference between social listening and social observation

  • Why is social listening important?
  • Social listening strategies
  • How to use social listening

What is social listening?

Social listening is the process of monitoring and analyzing online conversations and mentions of a brand, product, or industry across social media platforms, news websites, blogs, forums, and other online sources. By using tools such as social media monitoring software, businesses can track mentions of their brand, understand customer sentiment, and identify trends and patterns in the way their brand is being discussed. This information can then be used to inform marketing and communications strategies, improve customer service, and identify areas for improvement in products or services. Additionally, businesses can also use social listening to identify and engage with influential customers and track the performance of their campaigns.

The difference between social listening and social observation

Social listening and social observation are closely related, but they are not the same thing.

Social listening refers to the active monitoring and analysis of online conversations and mentions of a brand, product, or industry across social media platforms, news websites, blogs, forums, and other online sources. Social listening is done by using tools such as social media monitoring software, and the goal is to understand customer sentiment, identify trends and patterns in the way a brand is being discussed, and inform marketing and communications strategies.

Social observation, on the other hand, is a more passive approach. It refers to the act of observing and studying social interactions, conversations, and activities across social media platforms, without necessarily engaging with them. Social observation does not involve the use of tools and can be done manually by following social media accounts, hashtags, or keywords. The goal of social observation is to gain insights into social interactions, culture, and behavior of the people, communities and groups on social media platforms.

In summary, social listening is an active process that involves monitoring and analyzing online conversations to inform business decisions, while social observation is a more passive process that involves observing and studying social interactions, conversations, and activities on social media platforms.

Why is social listening important?

Social listening is important for businesses because it allows them to understand their customers and the market in which they operate. By monitoring and analyzing online conversations and mentions of their brand, products, or industry, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and pain points. This information can then be used to inform marketing and communications strategies, improve customer service, and identify areas for improvement in products or services.

Additionally, social listening also allows businesses to stay on top of industry trends and to identify opportunities for growth and expansion. By monitoring conversations and mentions of competitors, businesses can gain insights into what is working well for them and what is not, and use this information to inform their own strategies.

Social listening also helps businesses to identify and engage with influential customers and track the performance of their campaigns. By identifying key influencers in their industry and engaging with them, businesses can increase brand awareness and credibility, and gain valuable insights into how their campaigns are being received by the public.

In summary, social listening is an important tool for businesses as it allows them to understand their customers, stay on top of industry trends, identify opportunities for growth, improve customer service, identify and engage with influential customers and track the performance of their campaigns.

Social listening strategies

There are several strategies that businesses can use to effectively implement social listening:

  • Define your listening objectives: Before you begin monitoring and analyzing online conversations, it's important to define what you want to achieve with your social listening efforts. This will help you to focus your efforts and ensure that you are gathering the right type of data.

  • Identify the right keywords and hashtags: To effectively monitor online conversations, it's important to identify the keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your brand, products, or industry. This will help you to filter out irrelevant conversations and focus on the ones that are most relevant to your business.

  • Use social listening tools: There are a wide variety of social listening tools available, including Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Mention, which can help you to monitor and analyze online conversations. These tools can help you to track mentions of your brand, understand customer sentiment, and identify trends and patterns in the way your brand is being discussed.

  • Monitor competitors: It's important to monitor not just your own brand but also your competitors. This will give you insight on the industry trends, what's working for them and where they are lacking.

  • Engage with customers: Once you have identified key influencers and customers, it's important to engage with them. Responding to customer queries and complaints in a timely manner can help to improve customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

  • Measure your performance: Regularly measure your social listening performance against your objectives. This will help you to identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategy as needed.

  • Continuously improve: Social media platforms and trends are constantly changing, so it's important to keep up with the latest developments and continuously improve your social listening strategy.

How to use social listening

Here are some steps businesses can take to effectively use social listening:

  • Set up listening: Use social media monitoring tools or create alerts on keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your brand, products, or industry. This will help you to track mentions of your brand and identify conversations that are relevant to your business.

  • Analyze data: Once you have collected data, analyze it to identify trends, patterns, and customer sentiment. This can be done by manually reviewing conversations or by using advanced analytics tools that can help to identify sentiment and gauge the overall tone of conversations.

  • Identify key influencers: Use social listening tools to identify key influencers in your industry. These are the people who have a large following and are likely to have the most influence on public opinion.

  • Engage with customers: Respond to customer queries and complaints in a timely manner, and engage with key influencers to build relationships and increase brand awareness.

  • Use data to inform business decisions: Use the insights gained from social listening to inform marketing and communications strategies, improve customer service, and identify areas for improvement in products or services.

  • Continuously monitor and update: Social media platforms and trends are constantly changing, so it's important to continuously monitor online conversations and update your social listening strategy accordingly.

  • Measure and report: Regularly measure and report on the performance of your social listening efforts to ensure that you are achieving your objectives and to identify areas for improvement.


In conclusion, social listening is the process of monitoring and analyzing online conversations and mentions of a brand, product, or industry. It's a valuable tool for businesses as it allows them to understand their customers, stay on top of industry trends, identify opportunities for growth, improve customer service, identify and engage with influential customers and track the performance of their campaigns. To effectively use social listening, businesses should set up monitoring, analyze data, identify key influencers, engage with customers, use data to inform business decisions, continuously monitor and update, and measure and report on performance. Social listening is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and updating to stay relevant. It should be integrated with the overall marketing strategy and be a part of the decision making process.

arab academys


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